Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Turkey Rolls

This delightful roll can be used as a dinner table place card as well as be eaten.

2 Rhodes Texas™ Rolls or 2 Rhodes™ Dinner Rolls, thawed but still cold
1 egg , beaten
sliced almonds, slivered almonds, chopped pecans, pepper corns

Flatten one roll for the body and place on a large sprayed baking sheet. Cut a narrow piece out of the remaining roll to be used as a head and neck. Roll it into a rope shape and place on one side of body to form a slight curve. Cut head piece on an angle and pull down against neck to form a wattle.

Flatten the rest of the roll into a half circle. Cut about ten long slits to form feathers. Place on body opposite head and neck. Brush with egg. Place peppercorn on head for eye and push a slivered almond into the head for a beak. Decorate body and tail with nuts as desired. Let rise 15-30 minutes. Bake at 350°F 15 minutes or until golden brown.


Tolman Family said...

Looks delish, but I think I'll just skip on over to the white meat wih some brown gravy drizzled over it! Can't wait until next week for our feast. What diet?