We went to Gardner Village on Saturday so that Rorke, Madi, Jacob and Owen could visit Santa and Mrs Claus. They all had their pictures taken with Santa and they turned out so cute...we get them next week, so will post them later. Then we walked around and ate lunch at Archibalds...yummy Fried Green Tomatoes!
Rorke and Mariah waiting to see Santa...
Still waiting...
Mariah, Austin, Rorke and some ELF...
Mariah, Rorke and the ELF...
Same as above...
Rorke checking out the ELF'S nose...Freaky but cute...
Mariah and Rorke...
Thanks guys for inviting me, it was a fun day!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
More Pictures at Gardner Village...
Posted by Julie at 12:50 PM 3 comments
Gardner Village...
Have you ever tried to take pictures of 2 little boys, that really do NOT want their pictures taken? Madi is always good about having her picture taken. Here is what I got! Sorry there are so many...but I really wanted you to get the feel of how the morning was going. Owen hates to get his picture taken!
This is actually a good picture of Owen... This is probably the best picture I got... Jacob was apparently in pain...
Still in pain, or is it his smile?...
Owen, with his ARE YOU KIDDING ME LOOK...
Let's keep trying...
Getting Better?...
Not Yet!...
Still not yet!...
Posted by Julie at 6:20 AM 3 comments
Thanksgiving Day...
We went to my Sister Sue's house for Thanksgiving. The Food was yummy and the company was great! Mariah made sugar cookies for the kids to frost...I got pictures of all the little kiddo's except Ben...I am not sure where he was...Sorry Jill!
Macey and Belle... Jack and his famous smile...
Posted by Julie at 4:59 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Gratitude and Thankfulness...
I love this time of year. I love the smells the food and the togetherness. I am so thankful for so many things, and I am not sure if I can mention them all...but here are a few!
My Husband who gave me...
My 5 Healthy Happy Children (2 beautiful girls and 3 handsome sons)
My 2 Beautiful Daughters-in-law
My 1 Handsome Son-in-Law
My 1 Handsome soon to be Son-In-Law (will you hurry that up?)
My 8 Gorgeous Grandchildren (6 grandsons and 2 granddaughters)
My Parents
My 2 Beautiful Sisters
My 2 Handsome Brothers
My Sisters-in-law
My Brother-in-law
My Nieces and Nephews (too tired to count them all)
My Grand Nieces and Nephews (Way Way too many to count)
My Extended Family...Aunts, Uncles and Cousins...(Not so many of them)
My Friends (I hope you all know who you are)
My Faith
My Love for the Saviour
My Health
My Home (the Alzheimer Center)
My Job
My Freedom
My Car
A Good Belly Laugh...I Love to LAUGH!
Spending time with my family! camping, boating, 4-wheeling...
I Hope that you all have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Posted by Julie at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thanksgiving Turkey Rolls
This delightful roll can be used as a dinner table place card as well as be eaten.
2 Rhodes Texas™ Rolls or 2 Rhodes™ Dinner Rolls, thawed but still cold
1 egg , beaten
sliced almonds, slivered almonds, chopped pecans, pepper corns
Flatten one roll for the body and place on a large sprayed baking sheet. Cut a narrow piece out of the remaining roll to be used as a head and neck. Roll it into a rope shape and place on one side of body to form a slight curve. Cut head piece on an angle and pull down against neck to form a wattle.
Flatten the rest of the roll into a half circle. Cut about ten long slits to form feathers. Place on body opposite head and neck. Brush with egg. Place peppercorn on head for eye and push a slivered almond into the head for a beak. Decorate body and tail with nuts as desired. Let rise 15-30 minutes. Bake at 350°F 15 minutes or until golden brown.
Posted by Julie at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday was such a beautiful Fall day! Carrie asked Lindsey and I to go to the Zoo with her and the kids. We had a good time! Thanks Carrie for asking us to go with you and for getting us all in on your pass! We will have to do it again.
Carrie, Lindsey, and all the kids!...
Lindsey and the Kids...
Hunter, Madi and Sami...
Jacob, getting a drink from the lions mouth...
Carrie, Owen Hunter, and Madi...Madi looks sad about something!
Hunter, Madi, and Sami...
Hunter and Sami...
Miss Madi on the carousel...
Posted by Julie at 6:50 AM 6 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
8 Favorite TV shows:
1. Amazing Race
2. Lost
3. Dancing With the Stars
4. House
5. Survivor
6. Grey's Anatomy
7. Brothers and Sisters
8. Eli Stone
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Carrabba's
2. Asian Star
3. Macaroni Grill
4. Stone Ground
5. Cafe Rio
6. Olive Garden
7. Java Jo's (for my fix) I have got to stop!
8. Cheesecake Factory
8 Things that Happened Yesterday:
1. Worked
2. Worked
3. Talked on the phone
4. worked
5. worked
6. Talked on the phone
7. worked
8. worked
8 Things That I look Forward To:
1. Buying a new Condo
2. Spending Time with my Grandchildren
3. Going to Meg's
4. Going to Disneyland next year
5. Going to England again
6. Going to visit Cam again
7. Wicked
8. Spending time with my grandkids...oops, did I already say that?
8 Things I love About Fall:
1. The Smell
2. Cool Nights and Mornings
3. Fall Colors
4. Fall Pictures
5. Children playing in the leaves
6. Pumpkin Pie
7. My Birthday
8. Sleeping with my window open
8 Things on my wish list:
1. New Condo or Townhouse
2. Go To Hawaii
3. Go to the Bahamas
4. Alaskan Cruise
5. For my Children and Grandchildren to be HAPPY
6. To Loose Weight (to look like Carrie W.)
7. Good Health
8. World Peace
8 Friends I tag:
Amy H
Posted by Julie at 12:48 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Birthday Fun at FAT CATS...
Here's a look at how we party!...
Jacob and Cole, just being Jacob and Cole...
Mr Rorke...
All of us at Dinner...Lindsey is behind the camera...
We (family in UT.)and cute Kenzie went to Fat Cats for my birthday. We ate yummy pizza, salad, pasta, and of course twisted breadsticks. Then we went bowling. We had lots of fun and I think Ty or Cole won the bowling game! Thanks everyone for making my BIRTHDAY SPECIAL. I love my new necklaces (2), watch, bracelet, candle holders, wall plagues,
and lots and lots of LOVE! MY FAMILY ROCKS!!!!!
Madi, Hunter and Rorke... These 3 make me a little scared!...What's with Coles eyes?
Mariah, Rorke and Austin...Rorke was so good and even slept through the loud music...
The Bowling lanes...DUH
Posted by Julie at 7:55 AM 9 comments